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EuroSun 2012 Proceedings (DVD) and Book of Abstracts

The EuroSun 2012 was the ninth international conference of the European International Solar Energy Society ISES-EUROPE, hosted by the Croatian Solar Energy Association from 18 - 20 September 2012 in Rijeka, Croatia. The conference was held under the motto of Solar Energy for a Brighter Future.

The Book of Proceedings contains the presented papers selected for the EuroSun2012 conference.

We would like to thank the reviewers, topic chairpersons, and especially prof. Jan-Olof Dalenbäck, president of the Scientific-Technical committee assigned to the considerable task of browsing, reviewing and selecting the paper abstracts which were the basis for the Book of Proceedings published in digital format for the EuroSun2012 conference. 

Please find the table of contents here.