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ISES Solar World Congress 2009 Plenaries & Presentations (DVD)

1st DVD - Opening Ceremony, Welcome Addresses and Plenary Speakers

- Dr. Hermann Scheer MP, "Renewable Energy Policy"
- Richard Worthington, "Renewable Energy Policy & Ambition in South Africa"
- Héléne Pelosse, International Renewable Energy Agency, General-Director
- Kannan Lakmeeharan, "Eskom Strategic Investment"

2nd DVD - Plenary Session 12 October

- Vivian Alberts "PV"
- Prof. Eicke Weber, "The Future of Solar Electricity"
- Dr. Yogi Goswami, Farrington Daniels Award Lecture, "Future watch: Emerging - Solar Energy Technologies"

3rd DVD - Plenary Session 13 October

- Harry Lehmann, "Structure and dynamic of 100% renewable energy supply"
- Monica Oliphant, "Solar Cities & Societies"
- Alexandros Tombazis, "The Sacred Cow"

4th DVD - Plenary Session 14 October

- Hartmut Grassl, "Energy and Climate"
- Francis de Winters, "Peak Oil"
- Peet du Plooy, "Measuring, Managing and Alternatives to the Age of Scarcity"