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ISES Solar World Congress 2011 Proceedings (DVD)

The 30th biennial ISES Solar World Congress 2011 took place from 28 August – 2 September in Kassel, Germany with the theme “Rapid Transition to a Renewable Energy World”. The results of the SWC 2011 confirm that a combination of solar and other renewable energy technologies, working together with energy efficiency and smart storage technologies can meet our current and future energy needs. It was also demonstrated from the high-quality presentations that many new solar technology innovations have elapsed the research and development phase and are now market mature. The Congress included over 600 poster and oral presentations, expert speakers presenting keynote talks on the latest in various solar energy themes, and plenary talks from top level representatives of international organizations such as UNEP, IEA and IRENA. 

These DVD-Proceedings includes the abstracts and 600 full papers from the Congress on the following topics:

  • Solar Heating and Cooling
  • Solar Building
  • Renewable Electricity
  • Rural Energy Supply
  • Resource Assessment
  • Renewable Energies & Society

Please find the table of contents here.