Achievement through Action Award - in memory of Christopher A. Weeks

This award honours important contributions to the harnessing of solar energy for practical use or a new concept, development or product for the same purpose. Receipts can be individuals, groups or corporate bodies. It has been presented since 1983 and the award includes a certificate and a cash prize derived from funds donated by Mrs. Marta Weeks, a long-time supporter of ISES and Platinum Member. 

See the full list of recipients here.

2015 Recipient

This award is given to Prof. Klaus Vajen and his research group at the Institute of Thermal Energy Engineering, University of Kassel. The focus of his group’s scientific work is on solar thermal, thermal energy systems, sorption processes and energy efficiency in buildings. In the context of R & D projects, Prof. Vajen and his group maintains approximately 50 on-going international co-operative projects.

View the press release in PDF format

2013 Recipient

In 2013, Dr. Larry Kazmerski is being honoured for his work as a leading researcher in the field of photovoltaics and his work at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in the U.S.A. He is receiving the award for his lifelong contributions in accelerating PV research, development and deployment around the world. He is recognized for his dedication and leadership.